In May 1994 the German technomag Stomp printed an interview with Simon Ellis and there he told how it comes to this production. He was jobless in England, so he decided to move to Düsseldorf, where his uncle lived and worked there in an advertisement company.
Simon visited often the club Ratinger Hof that time with Christian Linder as resident DJ. He went to him and asked about producing together. It took 4 months till Christian agreed to do it. So they made their first track "The Crave", put it on a DAT-tape and went to Frankfurt. There they joined the regular sunday morning afterhour at Dorian Gray with DJ Dag as resident. They requested him to play the track in his set and after some seesaw he did it.
One guy, who run the record store Embargo in Frankfurt, heard this track that morning and offered Simon and Christian to release it on his label Fucking Loud.
Only 500 copies were pressed, the demand was much higher. (Source: user abharer on